Cirque de Gavarnie
Take a walk in the heart of the Pyrenees: Discover the Cirque de Gavarnie from Camping Le Terrier
Fancy a day out with the family or friends in the fresh air? The Cirque de Gavarnie, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a must for nature lovers.
Located just 1h30 from Camping Le Terrier in Lescar, this exceptional natural site offers breathtaking views of the Pyrenees mountains.
Whether you're an experienced hiker or just a walker, you're bound to find something to suit you at the Cirque de Gavarnie.
There are a number of hiking trails for all abilities, allowing you to discover the unique flora and fauna of this protected site.
Don't forget to climb the few steps leading up to the 430-metre-high Gavarnie waterfall, a breathtaking sight that will leave you speechless.
The Cirque de Gavarnie is also :
- Picturesque villages like Gavarnie and Gèdre, where you can sample local produce and discover local crafts.
- Events throughout the year, including concerts, shows and festivals.
- Restaurants and bars for refreshments after your hike.
wild & landscape